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if (!function_exists('tev_app')) {
* Fetch the global Tev application instance.
* @return \Tev\Application\Application
function tev_app() {
return Tev\Application\Application::getInstance();
if (!function_exists('tev_fetch')) {
* Fetch a service from the container.
* @param string $name Service name
* @return mixed Bound service
function tev_fetch($service) {
return tev_app()->fetch($service);
if (!function_exists('tev_partial')) {
* Render a view partial.
* @param string $file Partial file name
* @param array $params Optional variables to make available to partial
* @return string Rendered partial
function tev_partial($file, array $params = array()) {
return tev_fetch('template_extras')->partial($file, $params);
if (!function_exists('tev_post_factory_register')) {
* Register a new post type to class name mapping.
* @param string $postType Post type identifier
* @param string $className Class name to instantiate for $postType. Class
* must inherit from `\Tev\Post\Model\AbstractPost`
* @return void
* @throws \Exception If class name does not inherit from `\Tev\Post\Model\AbstractPost`
function tev_post_factory_register($postType, $className) {
->register($postType, $className);
if (!function_exists('tev_post_factory')) {
* Instantiate a post entity from a given post object.
* @param \WP_Post $base Optional. Base post object. If not
* supplied will attempt to get the current
* post from The Loop
* @param string $className Optional. Class name to instantiate. Will
* use registered default if not supplied
* @return \Tev\Post\Model\AbstractPost Post entity
* @throws \Exception If $base is not given and not in the The Loop
function tev_post_factory($base = null, $className = null) {
return Tev\Application\Application::getInstance()
->create($base, $className);